Skryker's World

Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


That's where I've been. I've been sulking.

Lots of stuff going on in Skryker's World these days but nothing to really blog about. Nothing catastrophic, either. Just run of the mill crap. I don't know, seems I don't get very much me time for the last little while, either, so it's hard to sort through all the static in my head for anything comprehensible.

Life gets that way sometimes, right? You go along feeling like you just can't deal with even one more thing- and then that one more thing gets dropped on you along with with its six inbred cousins. No more issue family reunions, OK?

I'm happy to report that none of these issues are in my marriage. That's rock solid and the foundation that keeps me from drifting away. In fact, Bear's shifts have changed so that we get more time to spend together and something approaching a real weekend. Yay!!! We're even thinking of maybe using one of these weekends to go away together. Not far (not with gas at $1.24/litre!) but away together, alone. Time where we aren't parents, homeowners, landlords or business owners. I'm really looking forward to this idea.

I also want to spend time with my camera, wandering and taking pictures. Some day, in between work and being chauffeur, cook, grocery delivery service, IT department, entertainment director, social convener, medical test subject and getting some sleep, I'm sure I'll find some time.

One of these years.

1 comment:

prin said...


Like you say, it could be worse, you know, like gas being the $1.38/L it is here. :D

It could always be worse, they say, but imo, it can also be bad enough. I hope you somehow find a way to manage it all.