Skryker's World

Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Supporting your local coffee shop


Finally stopped at the new little coffee place a block up from the store. Got a 16oz tea and a muffin for $2.16. Score!

It's a tea blend I haven't had since moving to this smallish town eight years ago. Ahhhh, Monk's Blend! Loose tea, too. And a caramel swirl muffin. A nice way to start the day.

Plus, it's networking, so I look like a business woman. LOL!


Technodoll said...

mmm sounds delicious! starbucks would have charged you $7 for the same thing, the wallet leeches.

yay for supporting local businesses!

prin said...

Yey! Good tea is rare as chicken's teeth. :D

Technodoll said...

Skryker, have you given up blogging? You are missed!