Yep. I've finally, finally, set a date to get married.
LOL! I guess I just wanted a 10 year engagement....
No, there have been lots of reasons to keep putting a wedding off. Stuff around custody and child support for the kid when she was still with her mother, my student loans and debts that I didn't want to saddle Bear with, then we were saving up to move and Bear took a paycut when we did move, we bought a house. Lots of financial reasons.
And there was Bear's exwife. She kept announcing weddings so I would postpone ours because I didn't want to get into dueling weddings and have the kid in the middle of it. None of those planned weddings have come to pass, though. In theory, she's getting married in September, but she was supposed to get married last summer and that didn't happen, either. So I'm fed up with being considerate. The kid is more than old enough to stand up for herself should any flack occur with this-not that I'm planning on having anyone tell the ex about our wedding. Oh, yeah-when we first got engaged, she told Bear that she was expecting to be invited to our wedding. So my Mom and sister offered to let her sit with them. Hehehe! That might have been fun!
The date- December 21st, 2008, or as close to as I can get things arranged since that's a Sunday. It will be very small and informal because that's what I've always wanted. And a winter wedding because that's also what I've always wanted. On Yule, the Winter Solstice as an act of faith for reasons far too complex to explain (even to myself).
I started to plan a small wedding years ago for the summer before we left Hamilton and it quickly threatened to balloon out of control on me as I tried to do things to avoid offending anyone or anything like that. That's probably also part of the reason we're not legally married yet. Scared me off of the process, lol. This time, it's all my way. Period. I'm doing this as I want it done (with Bear's agreement, of course!) and if anyone doesn't like it, tough! It's my wedding. So there!
Look out, there's a Bridezilla in the making!
OK, I'm so not a Bridezilla. I really don't want this to take over my life especially since it's going to be a small civil ceremony and some small occasion afterwards. Like a nice dinner out somewhere, lol. Minimal fuss. That's what I want. No tears. No arguments. And no second mortgage on the house! (I saw that on some show once-might have been Bridezillas-a woman took out a second mortgage of $60 000 to pay for her wedding. Crazy!).
I worked with a woman at the answering service for the year leading up to her wedding. It was awful-consumed her entire life with all the planning and plotting and drama. She was in tears every other day over something. No way in hell do I want to be that person. I refuse. So I've given myself a year to pull together a very small wedding. Should be fine.
It will be fine. (and I'm going to keep repeating that mantra.)
Skryker's World
Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!
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Woohoo! Congrats, I'm sure you will have a fabulous day :). The best advice I can give is to make sure your bridesmaid is someone who really loves you both. My hubby and I had a ton of fun with out wedding and they are great memories to cherish. I wish you the same!
I totally agree with you, you should not have to compromise YOUR day to make anyone else happy.
Thanks, guys. It's been a long time coming I suppose.
Teri, my bridesmaid will probably be the kid. Seems about right and she does love us both.
Yey!!! Skrykey's engaged! lol Yeah, I had to say it again. *high five*
I'm so happy for you. :)
lol @ Prin! We've been engaged for 10 years!
I know, now it's "real" because there's a date set. Pfft! Details. Don't bother me with details!
wooohoooo! Congrats my dear, that is awesome news! and *high five* for standing up for yourself and taking the lead in something so important... f*ck the exes if they can't get their lives together, eh? grin!
I've never been so proud of you. Why not Dec 20th? I hear that's a special day.
TD-I know! It's high time, I think. And if I wait for his ex to get her stuff together, we'll never get married.
Matt-I hear the 20th is a special day, too. ;) Might end up on the 20th after all. Depends on when the officiant is available. We'll see.
Congrats on the date setting... best wishes in the planning!!!
Whoo hoo!
Hey Congrats on setting a date! Good Luck with all the planning, but good for you for standing up for what you want!!! It is going to be your day so do it your way and don't let anybody try to talk you into doing something that you don't want!
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