Skryker's World

Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!

Friday, January 4, 2008

It's the end of the world? I didn't know it!

Grocery stores-a rant.

I live in a small city (population is about 45, 000; when you add the surrounding little towns, it pulls up to about 60, 000-and that's including some towns about 45 mins away.) and while there are a surprising number of grocery stores, the choice isn't really all that great. I can accept that as part of life. What I can't accept, what I loathe, is the occasions where apparently some sort of apocalypse has occurred or at least been announced and I wasn't informed-and the stores are empty.

I'm talking shelves stripped right back to bare walls empty. No bread, no milk, very little produce, no pasta, hardly any soup...WTF?!? And it isn't just one store, either. The only store recently that's had any bread and milk when I've been in is the most expensive one (go figure!). WalMart probably does, too, but I don't buy groceries in WalMart. What the heck is going on?

All I can figure is that the extreme cold and calling for more snow scared people. There was a huge, huge ice storm here a couple of years before we moved here and people still remember. We're talking about no power for more than a week and everything shut down. I've been told that the stores were very, very empty then and one store was selling bread at 5 bucks a loaf. People remembered that profiteering afterwards and the store went out of business not long after since no one would shop there after that.

Anyways, Bear and I went out last night to do a large grocery shopping ourselves, not because we feared an ice storm but because the pantry is empty. Um, yeah. "We need pasta. No pasta? What? Okay, grab some soup then. No, I don't want cream of asparagus! That's it? Cream of broccoli, cream of leek...just the icky soups left. Forget soup. Canned tomatoes? Nope."

So we got fish and chips for dinner (hardly any frozen fries either-I guess they're a staple food?), and a little bit of other stuff. Still have to restock the pantry. We just have to figure out when the emergency is over and the stores will be restocked. Sheesh!


Trippincherri said...

Don't starve on us ok Skryk's?

I live in a way smaller town, like 3,000 people and 2 grocery stores. Both of which gouge us in prices.
I prefer to drive the 2 hours to the next town and shop at Extra Foods just to get some price relief. It sucks.
Our shelves were like that here on Christmas Eve, I even overheard one lady asking if there were ANY turkeys left at all and when told "No, we're all out" she even asked "Well do you have even a turkey leg I can buy off of you?" I nearly died laughing. :0)

prin said...

Yeah, I hate it when that happens. That used to happen in Laval too. You'd walk in and there'd be no eggs, no cheese, no milk, no meat... Wtf did they even open for?

Skryker said...

For some reason, bananas have been really scarce for months. It's not just one store; you have to sometimes go to 3 stores to get bananas.

prin said...

I get my nanners at costco now. You get like fifty nanners for $1.69. Crazy, I tell you! Just craaaazy! lol

Skryker said...

lol, I usually have one of a couple of things happen:

no one has any bananas
everyone has bananas and they're all green
everyone has bananas and they're all black.

If I want them to eat, I'll only find extremely green or black ones; if I want them for banana bread, they'll all green. Can't win. :)