Skryker's World

Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!

Monday, January 14, 2008


Sometimes, owning your own home is a pain.

I'm waiting today. Waiting for the claims department from my insurance company to call me back. And waiting for the roofer to come and take a look at what the wind last week did.

We have a big bare patch on our roof now. I'm talking about 4 feet of plywood showing in the middle of the roof. Unbelievable. Wouldn't even know it if my neighbour hadn't told me about it, since you can't really see that part of the roof from our yard. I had to go into the parking lot behind us to get a look at it. Very scary stuff, let me tell you!

The roofer has about 200 calls he's still getting through. He's only doing emergency patches for the time being, just to keep the damage to a minimum. I guess he'll have work lined up for the next few months, though.

The good news (for what it's worth)- he's moved us up on the priority list because there's plywood showing. Bad news? It's snowing today. :( He'll try and get here in the next day or so to take a look.

Thank heavens for home owner's insurance!

1 comment:

prin said...

(hugs) That's no fun. :( I hope you can get it fixed before anymore damage occurs...