Skryker's World

Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Some pictures.

Just because I'm bored, here's some recent pictures of the dogs.

Fingal, aggravating his sister with his "Oh, no, you didn't!" look.

Miss Bronny-why do you take so many pictures of him? I'm cuter! (Even with the scrape on her chin. Silly girl!)

Sharing a drink after a long indoor wrestling session. Notice the empty shelves behind them? I have to store everything way above Fingal height, or he grabs stuff to get my attention. So only the tops of things are safe for storage.

This is why they needed a drink-serious wrestling time! I like the blurry effects here-camera was on the wrong setting, but it shows the action.

Look, Mom! I'm so hungry! I'll even bring you my bowl!

She didn't buy it. I guess I'll just check to see if I missed any breakfast, then.

No more pictures.

Can we go outside now? Please?

She looks like she's preparing to jump in, eh?

Whoa! Bad idea!

Bronwyn, get back off that ice! You'll fall in! (Don't worry-the water right there is only a little over knee deep. And Bear was ready to jump in if she got into real trouble.)

Yep, she fell in. Then we had to keep her from going back to swim. Twit! She somersaulted right into the water, and then scrambled back up, shook herself and headed right back for more.

Fingal and my Dad at New Year's.

That's all for now!


Technodoll said...

Looove seeing your shiny cute doggies! Funny how they don't mind the cold water, eh?

prin said...

Yey!!! They're so pretty. :) Lucky doggies. :)

Anonymous said...

Finally :). Great pics, they look gorgeous, happy and healthy.

Skryker said...

lol, Teri! It's getting hard to get pictures because they ham it up so much when I grab the camera, or they start wrestling.