Skryker's World

Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Next year, I'm gonna get the damn flu shot!

Ugh! Been doing nothing but sleeping for the last few days. Nice itchy, red, watery eyes, scratchy throat, cough, fever...bleah.

I did drag my sorry butt to the store on Friday but the kid went for me yesterday. I slept. And slept.


I think I need a nap. :D


prin said...

Feel better. :)

Does the kid get paid? :D

Skryker said...

lol, sometimes! She did on Saturday.

Technodoll said...

The flu shot doesn't really work, apparently...

(hugs) and get better! Being sick sucks ass!