Skryker's World

Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Icy pictures from an icy day

I decided to freeze my fingers off and take some pictures of the icicles outside today. Seems appropriate. It's -20 Celsius out there right now (that's -3 Fahrenheit). COLD, by any measurement!

First up, look who's been visiting my front porch. Gee, I wonder why those paw prints are there? :D

The light is wrong out there for sunny icicles, because they're in shadow, but I tried. Freezy fingers make for poor photography.

If the sun had been a little stronger...would have been a better shot.


Blogger won't let me add any more pictures to this post. Boo!


Technodoll said...

Cold here too... -20C, no way am i taking my camera out! LOL

Blogger has PMS - but keep all the chocolate for yourself OK? And stay warm!

Skryker said...

My little Canon tried valiantly. Too bad the light was wrong.

prin said...

What are you doing outside? I'm not impressed.

Cool pics though. :D