Skryker's World

Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!

Monday, January 21, 2008

More icy pics

A couple of pics of my neglected side door, lol!


Technodoll said...

Um... when is the demolition scheduled for? *grin*

Skryker said...

5 years ago this spring. ;)

If we manage to have the house resided this year, it'll be done then.

In the meantime, it's picturesque (which is a nice way of saying shabby).

prin said...

What?! You're still outside?! Do I have to call your mom?

Again, cool pics though. lol

Technodoll said...

LOL I just meant it looked dangerous! watch out! :-D

Skryker said...

lol, we use this door about once a year. It's halfway down the basement stairs, on the other side of the house from the driveway and crammed in next to the neighbour's house.

When we get the backyard fenced, though, it'll be the door out there-and that little roof thingie will *have* to be replaced, and probably that door itself.