Skryker's World

Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Almost time to brave the stores

Yep, the hour approaches. Closing time, and time to go and get dinner. Bad planning on my part.

Shouldn't be too bad, I hope.

I managed to get in and out of Walmart yesterday in an hour, even though it was clothes shopping with the kid. Of course it's easy when you know everything is black. :D

Sent her off with new clothes-all dark and depressing, just like she wanted. Camo and skulls and nothing brighter than a muted blue. She's old enough now that I refuse to waste too much time in arguing over it. So long as everything is covered decently I'll consider it a victory. Or, in her case, as long as it's not so baggy it looks ridiculous, it's good.

Dark wardrobe. Check. Punk arm and wristbands. Check. Black leather coat. Check. Purple-red hair. Check.

Horrified biomom. Hehehehe! Check!


prin said...

Too baggy? There is such a thing?

Lucky kidder whose mommer doesn't try too hard to change her. :)

Skryker said...

A couple of the items-a camo hooded blazer and a hoody with a skull applique on it-I found and showed her.

Try to change her? Nope. Encourage it? Maybe. :D

Zedder said...

Thats great that you let her be herself.
To each their own right, even if we dont agree 100%

Anonymous said...

sounds like my girl! I always thought I would rather her dressing like that than Britney or Paris!

Skryker said...

I would far rather that she's covered up than dressing like a Hollywood Skank. So would her father. :D

Anonymous said...

Oh yes the bio mom so loved you guys for that lol. I was happy with my wardrobe but you know my bio mom - I'm suppose to try and fit in more