Skryker's World

Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

New stuff...

Been so busy lately that I don't think I've mentioned that we've had a pair of tenants move in to our vacant upstairs apartment. They are a pair of my kid's friends; a couple of girls with crappy homelives that have found themselves on their own too young (IMO). The first girl was frantically looking for a place to keep her pets for a couple of weeks while she found a new apartment because the guy she'd been living with (at 16! FFS!) decided to beat her up. Nice, eh? And then the friend she was staying with's parents threatened to take her pets to the pound. Better still.

So (as we are huge softies) Bear and I offered up a place to live, complete with pets. And her friend moved in to help split the costs. They're nice kids who have had a rough start. Oh, they're Goths, certainly. And bisexual, too. And those are part of the reasons that their parents don't want them around. People suck. A lot.

The one girl already has a job, and they've both been doing the job search thing, looking for a better job. True enough that they haven't paid any rent yet; but we know they will. They just needed a break. Bear has been in that position himself, so this is paying it forward. Not completely altruistic either-the rent coming in will help out quite a bit for us.

Unfortunately, her puppy has......


Sigh! So now my animals are itchy again. Back to the vet, and $172 dollars later we have 6 months supply of Advantage. Of course, Bronwyn falls under the cutoff point and Fingal is over the cutoff for dosage so we had to get two lots instead of one. Yeah, great! And the cat can't have hers until the vet sees her on the 31st. *blushes* So I cheated and saved a little of Fingal's dose and put it on the cat. Can't stand to see her scratching. "Liquid Gold" is what the vet tech called the stuff. It had better do the job, is all I can say. Since I don't know what the dog upstairs is getting, topical flea control is now a permanent thing in our house. Between mice and animals upstairs I don't want to take the chance.

Poor furkids. Poor us! Here we go again with sterilizing the whole house-vacuuming, laundering and spraying. Wee hee! Nothing says Christmas like the smell of insecticide everywhere. Grumble!



Technodoll said...

eeeewww pests! *shudder*

well better the fumes than being bitten in the middle of the night...

good luck! and kudos for helping out some souls in need: that's what christmas is all about... all year long.

Skryker said...

Poor kid! I can't believe that people were going to take her pets to the pound on her. Everything she's been through and they wanted to take her comfort away. As it is, her ex took her cat and she's having trouble getting it back.

prin said...

Oh, no! Not again! Buggers! I hope you don't make yourself sick again, Skrykey. :(

As for the taking in part, you're awesome, Skrykey. You and your hubs have the biggest hearts. Just awesome. :)

Skryker said...

*blush* Well, someone has to look out for them, right?

So far so good on the not being sick thing. It's been warm enough to open the windows. *crosses fingers* The Advantage had better work.

Anonymous said...

no good deed ever goes unpunished! =)

Skryker said...

No kidding, nerdgirl!

Angeleyes said...

It's so true... no good deed goes unpunished! However, I'm a firm believer that it will come back around to you.

You're doing a great thing for these kids. Their parents should be ashamed that you are the one reaching out a hand for them, and they're not even your kids.

I can't imagine allowing my daughter at 16 to live with a boyfriend... she'd be lucky to even be allowed to have a boyfriend at all! LOL!

You and dh really have a great heart to take them in. Like techno said- if only everyone treated people like that all year round!

As for the fleas... I've never used Advanage because it doesn't cover everything I want, but I know Revolution works great incase you don't have great success. If they couldn't see Dancer, why couldn't they at least give you the meds? That sucks!

I'd make sure she's using something decent on her pets to remove the fleas. You don't want it continually being passed back and forth.

Good luck... and *huggers*

Skryker said...

Angel, the poor kid was living with him because her parents kicked her out. First her mother did, and then her father kicked her out of his place. She spent part of last December sleeping in a lumber yard. :(

The vet recommended the Advantage for now because we shouldn't have to worry about ticks. I sure hope not. We'll see where we go when the weather changes-either the Advantage multi or Revolution, probably.

Yeah, she's got to get the flea thing under control! Bathing the poor pooch will only do so much. I wonder if her rats have fleas...I hope she's checking them. Again, though, the vet has to see the pup before he will prescribe the flea control (I asked, lol! I would have bought it for her but I can't foot all of her vet bills.).