Skryker's World

Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I think she really, really wanted gum.

Take one sick, tired child and add the tempting rack at the grocery store and what do you get?

You get 10 minutes of high volume whining about wanting gum. Not a chocolate bar; she wanted gum.

I doubt that there's a person that was in the grocery store that doubted that fact.

She wanted the gum soooo much that when her mother threatened to take the chocolate bar away, the kid handed it right back-"I don't WANT a chocolate bar! I want GUM!!!!".

No indecisiviness there.

She really wanted gum.

I wanted to pack my groceries in peace and quiet. Neither of us got what we wanted.


Technodoll said...

Annoying brats. Why can't people just leave them at home, crated like the little animals that they are?


prin said...

You should have started screaming too. "Aw, maaaaan! I really wanted no tantrums at the grocery store. Waaah!" :D

Skryker said...

Oh, I wanted to!

I only had a certain amount of patience because it was obvious that the kid was sick, and that she had SOME boundaries. Not many, but some.

That, and I was scratching my head as to why her Mom thought that the chocolate bar was a better choice than sugarless gum. WTF? "You'll choke on the gum."

That's what lifesavers are for.

Anonymous said...

You should have told her the quietest kid in the store gets a wagon full of gum at the exit. I wonder if that would've worked. Probably not, kids aren't as gullible as me.