Skryker's World

Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Another new look

I got bored again.

So we'll try black and green for a bit and see how I like it.


prin said...

I don't like change.

Just being honest.

But now, if you change it back to the way it was, that's change too, and I still won't be happy about it.

I'm screwed.


prin said...

Oh and don't forget the "un-husband" part... Betcha didn't see that coming when you wrote it. :D

Technodoll said...

ooo totally love the new look! hope it's a keeper for a while :-)

Skryker said...

Hmmm-I better change that "un-husband"!

td, I think this is staying for awhile. Maybe minor tweaks.

Anonymous said...

I keep changing the look at my place too ... I think I will keep this one for awhile though! ...

the kitty cat is so cute!

Skryker said...

Thanks, nerdgirl. She's my Constant Furry Companion and predates Bear in my life. :)