Skryker's World

Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Low cut shirts are not required.

Whew! The car is all legal again.

One less thing to worry about-and we got the sticker for two years, so it's covered for awhile.

No paranoid driving needs to be done.

I feel better. ;)


prin said...

Yey! We still don't have emissions tests here (that I know of). Yey for white burnt oil smoke! Tsk.

Skryker said...

I'm just glad that there's a repair cost cap in place. Otherwise, I can only imagine the scamming that would go on.

Not that people don't get scammed now, I'm sure-it's just that it can't cost them more than $450. :(

And it's every other year, not every year.

But now my car is back to producing barely detectable emissions. Good to know.