Skryker's World

Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hey, I had a real weekend!

How strange. But Bear and I decided that the store can be closed on Mondays for awhile so that I can have two days in a row off. I need that. More time to restore the batteries.

I slept most of the last two days, I think. I must have needed it. Feel kind of dozy today, though. I have a sleep hangover. It will be better from now on though, with a full weekend every week.

After the deep freeze that we had it's now 8 C, headed up to 13 C today (that's 46 F and 56 F). All of that snow is melting fast and the world is soggy. Flood warnings have been issued. Prin said that Mother Nature has PMS; I think she's suffering either bipolar disorder (hehehe!) or a bit of Alzheimer's Disease. Weird weather.

Time to work a bit.


prin said...

Yep. All of the above. As long as it stops thawing before it hits the muck stage I'll be happy....

Anonymous said...

Good New Years choice to take more time for yourself! Does that mean we'll finally get some pics of the pups???

Technodoll said...

"what global warning?" Tsk! Betcha next week it storms again... we're not getting off the hook that easy!!

Not a drop of snow in the UK here, loads of green grass and trees and tropical plants - s'weird.

I do love it though :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey that is great having a full weekend now. After a week of work, I always feel that I need 2 full days, I can't imagine working 6 days a week every week!

Skryker said...

It was pretty stressful, HO. That's why we're closed on Mondays now.