Skryker's World

Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Er, Happy New Year?!?

So much for enjoying a nice long visit with my parents.

I got sick on Sunday afternoon and they left Monday at noon to beat the crazy snow that was coming. It's very snowy out there now. Probably a good four inches since last night and no sign of stopping for the next couple of days. Oh, and the temperature is dropping again to an estimated -13 C for the next little while. That's very, very cold. :(

I'm really bummed out about not getting much of a chance to see my folks, though. That stinks far worse than the aborted plans for a belated Christmas dinner. Not that I would have wanted it, lol!

My Mom left me a couple of surprises-a small wedding band that she was given by one of the old ladies in my Grandmother's senior's building years ago (co-incidentally, it's the same pattern as Bear's father's wedding ring, which Bear has worn since his father's death, so Mom thought I should have the mate to it) and my Grandmother's diamond necklace. There should be a pair of earrings, too, that were my Grandma's. However, after years of careful stewardship, Mom was embarrassed to say that she lost one of them somehow. :D Mom is mortified because she rarely ever loses jewelry. I have a feeling that it will turn up yet.

I will post some pics later on, when I get some decent ones. It's not that easy to get good pictures of jewelry and the necklace is a whopping 1/4 carat, so we're talking macro work. But, they were given to her by the man I called Grandpa Harry and so I will always treasure them. Even if I only have two out of the three.

1 comment:

prin said...

Sick again? Boooo...

Happy New Year, Skrykey!