Skryker's World

Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Some sunset snow pictures

Hope everyone isn't sick of seeing blizzard aftermath pictures yet. :) Oh, sorry-we had a "winter-like storm". Pics aren't that good because I took them just as I got home tonight. The light was fading fast.

Here's my back yard, and the shed in my neighbour's yard. Look at all the freakin' snow on top of the shed!

The reports here said 40cm of snow (about 15 inches). In Montreal, they were saying that my town got 55cm (almost 2 feet) which is closer, I think.

Back towards the rear of my yard-that's a 4 foot fence, and then the piles way above that in the parking lot behind us.

Down my street. The valley in the middle is where the sidewalk should be. It's about mid-thigh to hip deep, depending on the way it drifted. Don't know if you can make it out, but the parking meter is barely peeking out of the snow there.

Looking the other way up the street. Again, the center of the picture is where the sidewalk is.

Across the street.
My neighbour's house complete with drift as high as the porch. :)
And a shot of the snow pile at the end of the street. It's as high as the awnings on that building.

We're supposed to get more snow over the next week, too. Where is it going to go?


Technodoll said...

Never tired of such striking and unusual scenery as this, my dear! Great pics :-)

Dunno where we're supposed to put all this snow, either. Still a good 3 months of storm weather ahead of us... good lord.

It's crazy this year!!

prin said...

I know eh?! Where? I have no where to put it anymore. :D

That third pic, the one with the meter, blew up for me. It's cool huge.:)

Skryker said...

Lol, I didn't really try to frame them or anything-just snapped 'em quick and got in before the camera froze.

Anonymous said...

Great shots but where are the dogs playing in the snow pics?

Skryker said...

teri, we haven't had time to take them to the river for a really, really good run lately, unfortunately.

And since the yard is only fenced on two sides, they have to be leashed to go out (Bronny is a runner-awayer) and I don't dare have the camera in one hand and a dog in the other, or I'll lose the camera. :)

But we've got time off coming up so there will be dogs in snow pics coming soon.

Anonymous said...

I await with eager anticipation!

is await a word?