Skryker's World

Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Should have stayed home

Not much going on today. It got really cold and bitter again, complete with some fresh snowfall to top it all off.

Seems most of the downtown businesses are closed today and tomorrow, too.

Oh, well. I'll live.

Had a really good couple of days with Bear-lots of movies and playing silly games on the computer and just hanging out together. It was great! In fact, I noticed on Christmas Eve that my cheeks were hurting from laughing and smiling so much. :)

I got him a new set of pots and a new set of knives since he's been complaining about the old ones for awhile now, and he got me a PSP, which I've been eying for some time now. And we have way too much chocolate in the house now. Ummmmm, chocolate!

A nice and relaxing holiday all around!


Technodoll said...

LOL! Reverse-sexism gifts! *grin*

Happy to hear you had nice holidays... but no electric blankie for work? tsk!

prin said...

PSP, eh? P.... S.... P.... nope, can't figure it out tonight. :D

Yey for relaxing holidays. :)

Skryker said...

TD, I never thought about that! Guess they are reverse gender stereotypes, aren't they? I didn't get an electric blankie, but last night I got a new heating pad. I can take that to the store.

Prin, it's a PlayStation Portable. What can I say, I'm a gadget girl.