Blech! I didn't sleep well and so I'm tired and draggy and huddled up as close to the baseboard heater as I can get, trying to get warm. I was warm in bed. Whoever invented the idea that we have to get up and out of a warm bed to go into the cold? Why wasn't I consulted?!?
No, seriously? Why didn't anyone ask me? I would have been glad to tell you that grey winter days are for staying in bed, in warm jammies. You don't have to sleep the whole time; books are good. Snuggly reading works. Or pets. Pets help make the bed warmer and more snuggly, too. If there's someone else to snuggle up with, well, I'm sure that two minds can find a way to pass the time (most likely without the jammies!).
My point is, if the temperature is much below zero Celsius, and there's no sunshine to counteract the chill, why should we put ourselves through the misery of getting chilled and shivering just to go to work? Pure torture, and it makes everyone grumpy. I don't think it's very productive, either.
On the other hand, a clear, crisp winter day just begs for you to go out and play in the snow, doesn't it? Then it's torture being inside when you could be out taking advantage of rare winter sun. It's nice to get bundled up and go walking or whatever in the snow. Better to really play-snowball fights, snowgoon making...whatever works! Or outdoor skating. I love that and I haven't done it in years. Keep meaning to go up to Ottawa and skate on the Rideau canal but I haven't made it yet.

Maybe this winter stuff isn't so bad after all. Just have to get out and play some. On another day. When it isn't so damp and I don't have so much to do.
Being a grownup really sucks sometimes.
Sun? You have sun? Sigh. So lucky.
And yes being a grownup sucks at times... but I wouldn't give up this freedom for anything :-)
Hang in there. And ask Santa for an electric blanket to keep you warm at work!
Oh, no, TD. Grey and snowing again.
Yeah, an electric blankie would work. I could wrap up in it behind the counter and not be chilled. Good idea!
Being cold totally sucks :(. I love lazy days hanging out in my jammies when it is one of those cold, wet west coast days (every second day in winter). I rollerbladed on the Rideau once and it was crazy busy, almost got taken out twice by stupid tourists who don't understand how hard those things are to stop!
Last time I wrnt to Rideau, all my bags were stolen out of the car. *shakes fist at people near Rideau*
I want to be a slacker 20 year old again. Tsk.
It looks like people are skating down a street. How cool.
Prin, I know. It's a high crime area because there's such a crowd. The outdoor skating rink in Toronto has the same problem. I know a guy who had his shoes stolen while he was skating there. What a pain!
Matt-isn't it cool, though? It's a perk of living close to the canal in Ottawa. Some people can skate to work all winter-provided it's cold enough to freeze the canal solid. And Carleton University is on the canal, too, so the dorm students get to take a break and go skating.
Now I know: go to Rideau naked and carry your shoes.
LOL! Now, that would make for some blue skin! (and some happy skaters, I suppose!)
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