Skryker's World

Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!

Monday, December 24, 2007

One more sleep...

I made the mistake of going into a grocery store to get something for my lunch (since the deli up the street is closed for the next 2 weeks). I don't feel so bad now, being such a last minute shopper. Seems most people are!

Bear and I are in the middle of movie madness but being chronically sleep deprived is wrecking havoc on it. :D I fell asleep on The Bourne Ultimatum last night, and then we were both out by 11pm. We're getting so old!

We're both off for the next couple of days though. Time to relax and unwind and spend some quality and quantity time together. Yay!!!!! And in theory, he starts some vacation time next week-depends on whether or not the warehouse is busy. We'll see.

LOL!!! That's the third person so far today I've seen walk past in a Santa hat!

So, fellow bloggers, have a good holiday. Spend some relaxing time with your loved ones, two and four legged. Get and give lots of hugs. Indulge. Have fun. Make merry.

Yeah, that's my holiday wish to everyone-make merry!


prin said...

You, too, Skrykey. Have a merry one. (hugs)

Technodoll said...

Call me merry mary, and make me a bloody one! with extra tabasco please. Yum!

Hope Santa spoils you all :-)