Skryker's World

Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, don't forget to sign the release form, and remember-no refunds!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

More snow?!?

Yep! It's snowing again. Whee hee.

When I got to the store this morning, I had no parking spot. Grrrrr! I hate that! There's only 2 spots for the store and one is MINE, dammit! :) I don't drive everyday of course, since I live only a couple of blocks away, but I hate it when there's cars in my spots. Obviously, they aren't my customers if they're there before I am...

My back is still not liking the weather right now, so I had to drive over. The sidewalks aren't well cleared yet plus it's very very cold today. That's a combination that can lead to disaster. A bad slip and fall on the ice could really mess my back up. So I have to be a global warming wimp and drive.

I know I used the term "spina bifida occulta" to describe my back issues a few posts ago, but I hate to use that term. What I have is so mild compared to those with serious spina bifida. It hurts but for me, it's more of a periodic inconvenience. 99% of the time, I can get around even if it hurts to do so. I can walk. So I have to consider myself lucky that it isn't far worse. Of course, that doesn't mean that I don't whine about it sometimes. After all, a good day is one where I don't really notice that it hurts. A bad day, and my left foot drags when I walk, my legs are numb from the hip down, both hips ache, I have a lump the size of a pound of butter over the base of my spine (right in between the dimples) and I can't get comfortable anywhere.

I was late getting here today because my back tried to seize up while I was in the shower. I had to wait until I could move without it really going out. I'm glad that I didn't run out of hot water while I was in there. Now, that would truly have sucked!

But I'm here, and I'm mostly mobile. That's pretty good.


Anonymous said...

Ouch, that sounds painful. Have the other cars towed, that'll teach them who's really the boss!


Technodoll said...

I'm with Teri... if the spot is reserved for you and is taken by a non-customer... shove it!!

hugs from the beanie kids... they have magical powers that take the pain away.

Skryker said...

I had them ticketed...apparently, the city will only tow habitual offenders.

So they got a Grinchy early Christmas present from me this morning. :D Only $20...but it's the thought that counts!

prin said...

Aww, sorry about your back, Skrykey. :( But you don't need to use it as an excuse to drive to work. Just drive.:D It's bleddy miserable out there. :D